
Medical cannabis seeds


132.00 грн.
from -13%
115.00 грн.


132.00 грн.
from -5%
125.00 грн.

Dutch Passion

1 362.00 грн.

Fast Buds

504.00 грн.


6 250.00 грн.
from -4%
6 000.00 грн.


5 750.00 грн.
from -3%
5 550.00 грн.

Barneys Farm

408.00 грн.

Sweet Seeds

902.00 грн.

Fast Buds

349.00 грн.

Bulk Seed Bank

933.00 грн.

Fast Buds

930.00 грн.

Fast Buds

349.00 грн.

Fast Buds

349.00 грн.

Dutch Passion

1 059.00 грн.


1 013.00 грн.

Barneys Farm

408.00 грн.

Pyramid Seeds

192.00 грн.

Pyramid Seeds

192.00 грн.

Barneys Farm

491.00 грн.

Fast Buds

349.00 грн.

Dutch Passion

1 236.00 грн.

Pyramid Seeds

192.00 грн.


907.00 грн.


1 013.00 грн.
Medical cannabis seeds

Medical Grades – Cannabis Seeds with Medicinal Potential

Many people have heard about the healing properties of cannabis and want to buy cannabis seeds for medicinal purposes in order to improve their well-being and help loved ones in the fight against various ailments. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the number of countries in which the use of this plant in medical practice has been legalized has been growing with enviable constancy. Cannabis helps to fight not only physical, but also psychological ailments, being a natural remedy for calming, putting thoughts in order and improving overall well-being. You can buy medicinal cannabis seeds in the Smartshop-smartshop® online store with the possibility of receiving goods in any country in the world.

Differences between medical and recreational cannabis

There are two active cannabinoids found in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, THC) and cannabidiol (CBD, CBD). They have different effects:

Strains with a high content of THC (THC) have a cerebral-high (cerebral, uplifting) effect on the brain. Such varieties energize, give a thirst for movement, help to concentrate on a specific thought, open up creativity and stimulate communication. In medical practice, this is used to get out of stress and depression, in the complex therapy of ADHD.

Varieties with a high content of CBD (CBD) have a sedative body-stone effect. It consists in the appearance of a desire to slow down, relax, be alone with your thoughts, unload your head and forget about problems. Doctors prescribe varieties of this type to combat panic conditions, calm the nervous system, and regulate sleep.

For recreational purposes, high effect varieties are used. Despite the fact that they give a state of euphoria, their healing properties are as important for medical practice as they are when recommending stone-effect strains. It is their combination that gives the most valuable and working result. Our seed shop contains strains with different combinations of THC (THC) and CBD (CBD). You can choose the desired effect and consult with managers who will advise the best option for your purposes.

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

If you are looking for where to buy ordinary cannabis seeds for treatment in Ukraine, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the description of the potential of this plant.

Food product. Our ancestors for 3000 years cooked hemp porridge, prepared butter and hemp milk for children from it. Previously, people were free from prejudice and ate hemp dishes as often as rye or wheat.

Source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In modern cuisine, hemp seeds are equated with superfood - food, the chemical composition of which is as balanced as possible for the human body.

Source of antioxidants. Cannabis is rich in vitamin E, which is also called the “beauty vitamin”. It contains tocopherol, which is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease, and phytol, a remedy for fighting tumors.

Source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The oil contains a huge amount of Omega-3, 6 and 9 fats valuable for humans. Their use protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Remedy for “bad” cholesterol. Hemp oil cleanses blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and improves blood clotting.

Medicine for skin diseases. Cannabis oil improves skin condition, which is why it is used in the treatment of dryness, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

Anti-inflammatory. Hemp contains plant sterols and alcohols that have a broad anti-inflammatory effect throughout the body.

The Safe Way to Buy Medicinal Cannabis Seeds

When you need to buy elite cannabis seeds in Ukraine from a trusted supplier, contact the Smartshop-smartshop® seed shop. We guarantee the high quality of the goods, because we comply with all conditions of storage and transportation.

We will send the seeds of medical cannabis varieties on the day of the order throughout Ukraine and around the world, pack them in unremarkable sealed containers and immediately after the closing of the transaction we will delete all customer data from the database.